Monday, October 7, 2013

Government Shutdown Lights Up the Public Screen

By Rick Belbutoski

As a self-proclaimed news junky and someone who keeps up with politics despite how it pushes me toward apathy, I tried to avoid writing a blog about the U. S. government shutdown. I can’t avoid it anymore. This shutdown — prompted by Congress' failure to agree on a federal budget plan — has furloughed 800,000 government workers. It’s been six days. There’s no compromise on the horizon. The rhetoric is flying on both sides of the aisle. And we all should have known what would happen, nothing is being done.

Media Matters! When it comes to the messaging that goes along with the rival sides of the shutdown Republicans and Democrats are both trying to litter “the public screen” with their perspective. This effort is vigorously supported by cable news networks that have adopted a political perspective in an effort to appeal to a specific audience and push for profits.

On day one of the shutdown Sean Hannity was one among many FOX news personalities who seemed to not care because the shutdown didn’t affect him personally.

On the other side of the cable aisle CNN dedicated at least a couple days to showing features about American’s who can’t get into drug trials that could potentially save their life until the shutdown ends.

Both sides of cable news squared off about WWII veterans not being able to visit the WWII memorial in Washington DC because the shutdown closed all national monuments. A correspondent on Fox said “Obama closed this monument to inflict maximum pain on veterans.” CNN reported that the veterans didn’t let the barricades stop them from visiting the memorial.

Regardless of which side you tend to side with politically there’s no way to argue that when it comes down to the shutdown, media matters! 

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